Peter Greene is the author of The Adventures of Jonathan Moore a young adult series and its first book Skull Eye Island (now renamed Warship Poseidon) won the 2012 Clive Cussler Grand Master award sponsored by the Clive Cussler Collector's Society.
He was born in Glen Cove, Long Island, to artistic parents and attended Warren Township High-School in Gurnee, Illinois and later graduated from Illinois State University with BS in Theatre and Speech Education. Moving to Los Angeles, Peter wrote a short sci-fi story called “The Education” that was re-written as a screenplay with Patrick Read Johnson and was eventually optioned by 20th Century Fox under the name ”Fortress”. In the mid to late eighties, various plays he penned were produced by small theatre companies, including a full blown musical using his original score, though his main focus was his business career and family. However, writing was always being done secretly and in his precious spare time. Three screen plays and stage plays were written and sat on a hard drive somewhere...many years passed.
In 2007, following a request by his wife to read a bedtime story to his two children, Peter decided to make one up on the spot, and Skull Eye Island was born. His wife urged him to create a novel of the story.He lives in Arizona, with his wife and two children.
AOS Naval Fiction
The author’s official web site is