William Henry Giles Kingston (1814-1880) was the son of a merchant in Oporto, where he spent much of his youth. His books are mainly written for young boys. One of his early ones, Peter the Whaler (1851), was successful and was followed by more than 150 similar books which had simple plots and were full of adventures and escapes. They tend to have a high moral tone. He also made numerous translations of other authors works, including Jules Verne, which remain standards to the present day. His books went through many editions and revisions, and continued to be published well into the 20th century. Many of his novels are not copyright in many countries and some are available as free eBooks in the online store..
Age of Sail: Fiction
AOS Naval Fiction
AOS Pirate Fiction
AOS Other Nautical Fiction
Additionally Kingston published several short stories which appeared in Ainsworth's Magazine (thanks to Dr. Charles G. Waugh for this information).
- "The Black Slaver" v. 14, 1848
- "The Cavern of Panama; or, the Pirate's Treasure" v. 15, 1849
- "The Demon Pilot" v. 11, 1847
- "The Father's Curse" v. 11, 1847
- "Jack Dory, The Free Trader" v. 19, 1851
- "Jonathon Johnson's Second Voyage" v. 11, 1847
- "Pepe the Pirate" v. 12, 1847