It is 1843, and Captain Sir Nathaniel Drinkwater embarks on the paddle-steamer Vestal for an inspection of lighthouses on the west coast of England. Bowed with age and honours, the old sea-officer has been drawn out of retirement on half-pay to fulfil his public duty. The following day, however, tragedy strikes, and Drinkwater, the punctilious seaman and sympathetic libertarian. Is suddenly confronted with the spectre of his past life: the sins amid follies, valour anti heroics, triumphs and disasters.
Ebb Tide
- Details
- By: Richard Woodman

- Title: Ebb Tide
- Series: Nathaniel Drinkwater
- First Published by: John Murray Publishers Ltd
- First Published Place: UK
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 18 June 1998
- ISBN-10: 071955764X
- ISBN-13: 9780719557644