1793: Young Jack Fletcher, whilst unsure of his parentage, did know that as an apprentice he couldn't legally by seized by the press gang. But this particular gang couldn't actually read the rules. And didn't care anyway. Which was how he found himself risking life, limb and seasickness on board His Majesty's frigate Phiandra, about to do battle with what looked like half the French fleet. Meanwhile at Coignwood Hall, the late Sir Henry lay face-down in his soup as his beautiful but evil widow, Lady Sarah, along with their two loathsome sons, ransacked his papers for the will that would disclose to their horror that the entire family fortune had been left to a previously unknown illegitimate son. Who would now have to be tracked down and disposed of as a matter of some urgency. Fletcher's Fortune is the first in a rollicking series of memoirs that bring the 18th century back to life in its tawdry glory
Fletcher's Fortune
- Details
- By: John Drake

- Title: Fletcher's Fortune
- Series: Jacob Fletcher
- First Published by: New English Library
- First Published Place: London
- First Published Format: HC
- First Published Date: 1991
- ISBN-10: 0450563952