The Eaglet in the Americas

The Seven Years War is coming to an end and Commodore Daniel Winchip is given orders to sail to Canadian Waters where Rear Admiral Saunders is engrossed with the French on the St Lawrence River. Winchip is not to know that the French have already been defeated by General Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham.

Saunders sends a disgruntled Winchip's squadron on a mission to capture a pirate who is stealing slaves from the Guinea-ships and sending the vessels and their crews to the bottom. Winchip knows he must make the best of a seemingly impossible task, hiding his anger as he formulates a plan to trap his enemy and free an imprisoned people.

Together with his son-in-law, Peter Pardoe, Daniel Winchip finds himself engaging with a ruthless enemy whose influence extends from Boston to the Windward Islands and Guadeloupe. Winchip's impossible task concludes Mariner's brilliant 'Eaglet' trilogy but stands strongly on it's own as a compelling story of a continent on the brink of revolution.

  • Author: John Mariner
  • Title: The Eaglet in the Americas
  • Series: Eaglet (Daniel Winchip)
  • First Published by: Lee Shore Publications
  • First Published Format: HC
  • First Published Date: 15 Decemebr 2003
  • ISBN-10: 0972630317
  • ISBN-13: 9780972630313

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