The Disastrous Voyage of the Santa Margarita

This is one of the grimmest (and, yes, boring) sea stories I have ever read. A Galleon leaves Manila bound for Panama and encounters a seemingly endless series of typhoons. The despotic soldiers in command of the ship clash with the sailing masters and crew. The perfervid priests/monks/nuns wail ceaseless prayers and the pampered passengers stir up bad feelings on every side.

Potentially interesting back stories remain underdeveloped. There are long, repeated discussions about God's will and man's initiative. Are the serial disasters punishment for this or that person's sins? Misery and death mount to unimaginable heights and the resolution (such as it is) is unsatisfactory -- I suppose that's Woodman's point, but it doesn't make for an enjoyable read.

Description of: The Disastrous Voyage of the Santa Margarita

Author: Richard Woodman 

© 2008-2025 David Hayes