The Virgin of the Wind RoseThe nautical element of this book is based around a secret society, heirs to the Templars, under the control of Henry the Navigator and the voyages of Portuguese mariners known to history. Are they just explorers? Is Christopher Columbus who he seems to be? or are they trying to avoid the Tribulations of the Book of Revelation.

What they were doing is revealed through a parallel modern day plot as history repeats itself and the clues they left must be unravelled by State Department lawyer Jaq Quartermane and a roguish antiquities thief named Elymas.

The modern element is a similar basis, though unique plot, to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code and is a page turner as the reader is eager to learn the next twist in the unfolding mystery.

Whilst the nautical element of this book is only minor it was a refreshing and interesting read which wove together a number of alternative history theories and historical locations I was not previously aware of in a very well written narrative which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Highly recommended.

Description of: The Virgin of the Wind Rose

Author: Glen Craney



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