Harry Heron: Into the Unknown

Harry Heron: Into the Unknown, which has just been reissued after a substantial re-write, is the second book in the Harry Heron Adventures. I should say up from that this book is not for the HNF purist as it is principally a work of science fiction set 400 years in the future, however, if you read the first work or want to experience something a bit different it is worth considering, particularly for younger readers.

The premise is that three sailors from a Napoleonic era ship suddenly find themselves on a space ship and in amongst the plot the author explores the differences between the two time periods and how their outdated skills might be useful in an age when they have long since been forgotten. In a particularly interesting sequence they find themselves stranded without technology and being able to rig and sail a ship suddenly becomes a more than useful skill.

This was a well written book which I enjoyed and if you are looking for a bit of a diversion one I recommend.

Description of: Harry Heron: Into the Unknown

Author: Patrick G. Cox

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