Battle of Trafalgar

The Battle of Trafalgar took place on the 21st October 1805 off the coast of Spain.

The Royal Navy, under the command of Vice-Admiral the Lord Nelson (who died in the action) with 27 ships of the line defeated a combined Franco-Spanish fleet of 33 ships under the command of Vice-Admiral Pierre de Villeneuve.


The Britsh fleet was divided into two lines under Nelson and Collingwood which, after suffering a raking fire during their approach, cut through the Franco/Spanish line to cut off and overwhelm the centre and rear before the van could turn in support. After a fierce engagement this tactic proved succesful with many French and Spanish ships taken.

A storm that blew up at the end of the battle which resulted in the loss of many of the captured ships.

Novels based around this battle.

Plan of the Battle

Ships Present

British Fleet - Weather Column

 Victory (100) Flag - Vice-Admiral Lord Nelson (Killed in Action), Cptn. - Thomas Masterman Hardy

UK Temeraire (98) Eliab Harvey

UK Neptune (98) Thomas Francis Fremantle

UK Leviathan (74) Henry William Bayntun

UK Conqueror (74) Israel Pellew

UK Brittania (100) Flag - Rear Admiral the Earl of Northesk, Cptn. - Charles Bullen

UK Agamemnon (64) Sir Edward Berry

UK Ajax (74) Lt. John Pilford (acting captain)

UK Orion (74) Edward Codrington

UK Minotaur (74) Charles John Moore Mansfield

UK Spartiate (74) Sir Francis Laforey


British Fleet - Lee Column

UK Royal Sovereign (100) Flag - Vice-Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood, Cptn. - Edward Rotheram

UK Belleisle (74) William Hargood

UK Mars (74) George Duff (Killed in Action), Lt. William Hennah (Acting)

UK Tonnant (80) Charles Tyler

UK Bellerophon (74) John Cooke (Killed in Action), Lt. William Pryce Cumby (Acting)

UK Collosus (74) James Nicoll Morris

UK Achille (74) Richard King

UK Revenge (74) Robert Moorsom

UK Polyphemus (64) Robert Redmill

UK Swiftsure (74) William Gordon Rutherfurd

UK Dreadnought (98) John Conn

UK Defiance (74) Philip Charles Durham 

UK Thunderer (74) Lt. John Stockham (acting captain)

UK Defence (74) George Hope

UK Prince (98) Richard Grindall


British Fleet - Isolated attacking head of Franco-Spanish Fleet

UK Africa (64) Henry Digby


Franco-Spanish Fleet

Spain Neptuno (80) Don H Cayetano Valdés y Flores Captured. Recaptured & foundered 23 Oct.

France Scipion (74) Charles Bellanger (Eventually captured 4 Nov.)

Spain Rayo (100) Don Enrique MacDonnell (Eventually captured & foundered 23 Oct.)

France Formidable (80) Flag - Rear-Admiral Pierre-Etienne-René-Marie Dumanoir Le Pelley, Cptn. - Jean-Marie Lettelier (Eventually captured 4 Nov)

France Duguay Trouin (74) Claude Toufflet (Eventually captured 4 Nov.)

France Mont Blanc (74) Guillaume-Jean-Noël Lavillegris (Eventually captured 4 Nov.)

Spain San Francisco de Asis (74) Don Luis de Florès Captured. Recaptured & wrecked 23 Oct.

Spain San Agustin74Don Felipe Jado Cagigal Captured. Abandoned and burnt 28 Oct.

France Héros (74) Jean-Baptiste-Joseph-René Poulain

Spain Nuestra Señora de la Santísima Trinidad (136) Flag - Rear Admiral Báltasar Hidalgo de Cisneros, Cptn. - Francisco Javier de Uriarte y Borja Captured. Foundered 23 Oct.

France Bucentaure (80) Flag - Vice-Admiral Pierre-Charles-Jean-Baptiste-Silvestre de Villeneuve, Cptn. - Jean-Jacques Magendie Captured. Recaptured & wrecked 23 Oct.

France Neptune (80) Commodore Espirit Tranquille Maistral

France Redoutable (74) Jean Jacques Etienne Lucas Captured. Foundered 23 Oct.

Spain San Leandro (64) Don José Quevedo

Spain San Justo (74) Don Francisco Javier Garstón

Spain Santa Ana (112) Flag - Vice-Admiral Ignacio María de Álava y Navarrete, Cptn. - Don José de Gardoqui Captured. Recaptured 23 Oct.

France Indomptable (80) Jean Joseph Hubert Wrecked 24 Oct.

France Fougueux (74) Louis Alexis Baudoin (Killed in Action) Captured. Wrecked 22 Oct.

France Intrépide (74) Louis-Antoine-Cyprien Infernet Captured. Blown up deliberately 24 Oct.

Spain Monarcha (74) Don Teodoro de Argumosa Captured. Foundered 25 Oct.

France Pluton (74) Julien-Marie Cosmao-Kerjulien

Spain Bahama (74) Dionisio Alcalá Galiano (Killed in Action) Captured

France L'Aigle (74) Pierre-Paul Gourège Captured. Wrecked 23 Oct.

Spain Montãnez (74) Francisco Alcedo y Bustamente

France Algésiras (74) Flag - Rear-Admiral Charles-René Magon de Médine (Killed in Action), Cptn. -Laurant Le Tourneur Captured. Recaptured 23 Oct.

Spain Argonauta (80) Don Antonio Parejo Captured & Scuttled

France Swiftsure (74) Charles-Eusèbe l'Hôpitalier-Villemadrin Captured

France Argonaute (74) Jacques Epron-Desjardins

Spain San Ildefonso (74) Don Jose Ramón de Vargas y Varáez Captured

France Achille (74) Louis Gabriel Deniéport Surrendered & blew up

Spain Principe de Asturias (112) Flag - Admiral Don Federico Carlos Gravina y Nápoli (Died of his wounds 9 Mar 1806), Flag - Rear-Admiral Don Antonio de Escãno, Cptn. Commodore Rafael de Hore

France Berwick (74) Jean-Gilles Filhol-Carnas Captured. Foundered 22 Oct.

Spain San Juan Nepomuceno (74) Commodore Don Cosmé Damián Churruca y Elorza (Killed in Action) Captured


British Fleet - Also Present

UK Naiad (38) Thomas Dundas

UK Euryalus (36) Hon. Henry Blackwood

UK Phoebe (36) Hon. Thomas Bladen Capel

UK Sirius (36) William Prowse

UK Pickle (12) Lt. John Richards La Penotière

UK Entreprenante (10) Lt. Robert Benjamin Young


Franco-Spanish Fleet - Also Present

France Cornélie (40) de Martinenq

France Hermione (40) Mahé

France Hortense (40) La Marre La Melilerie

France Rhin (40) MJA Chesneau

France Thémis (40) Jugan

France Furet (18) Lt. Dumay

France Argus (16) Lt. Tailliard

Plan of the Battle

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