Battle of Cape St. Vincent

The Battle of Cape St. Vincent took place on the 14th  February 1797 off the coast of Portugal.

The Royal Navy, under the command of Admiral Sir John Jervis with 15 ships of the line defeated a Spanish fleet of 27 ships under the command of Vice-Admiral Don José de Córdoba Y Ramos.


The Spanish fleet was formed in two loose columns, one of about 18 ships to windward and the other, of about 9 ships, somewhat closer to the British. The single British steered to pass between the two Spanish columns.

The British line, led by Culloden, tacked in succession to reverse course and overhaul the larger Spanish column. The smaller Spanish division engaged the British line at the point they were tacking and some British ships were damaged and fell out of the line. As the last ship in the British line passed the end of the main Spanish line, the British line was in a U shape with Culloden in the lead and on the reverse course but chasing the rear of the Spanish. The Spanish lee division bore up in an effort to join their compatriots. Nelson, in Captain, towards the rear of the British line, disobeying previous ordered Captain Miller to take Captain out of line and engaged tthe smaller group. Other British ships from both ends of the line CullodenExcellentBlenheim and Prince George, supported this and prevented the two Spanish groups combining. The Captain was now under fire from up to as six Spanish ships, three of  112 guns and including Cordóba's flagship Santísima Trinidad (130).

San Nicolás ran foul of San José, and they were boarded and taken by Captain, whilst 2 other Spanish ships struck to the supporting ships.

Novels based around this battle.

Plan of the Battle

Ships Present

British Fleet

UK Culloden (74) Thomas Troubridge

UK Blenheim (90) Thomas Lenox Frederick

UK Prince George (98) Flag - Rear Admiral William Parker, Cptn. - John Irwin

UK Orion (74) James Saumarez

UK Colossus (74) George Murray

UK Irresistible (74) George Martin

UK Victory (100) Flag - Admiral Sir John Jervis, Cptn. of the Fleet - Robert Calder, Cptn. - George Grey

UK Egmont (74) John Sutton

UK Goliath (74)Charles H. Knowles

UK Barfleur (98) Flag - Vice-Admiral William Waldegrave, Cptn. - James Richard Dacres

UK Brittania (100) Flag - Vice-Admiral Charles Thompson, Cptn. - Thomas Foley

UK Namur (90) James Hawkins Whitshed

UK Captain (74) Flag - Commodore Horatio Nelson (Wounded), Cptn. - Ralph Willett Miller

UK Diadem (64) George Henry Towry

UK Excellent (74) Cuthbert Collingwood


Spanish Fleet

Spain Santísima Trinidad (130) Flag - Vice-Admiral Don José de Córdoba Y Ramos, Cptn. - ? Badly damaged

Spain Conde de Regla (112) ?

Spain Mexicano (112) Flag - Admiral P. De Cárdenas, Cptn. - F de Herrera 

Spain Principe de Asturias (112) Flag - Admiral J. Moreno, Cptn. - A. De Escaño

Spain Purísima Concepcion (112) Flag - Admiral Morales de los Ríos, Cptn. - ? 

Spain Salvador del Mundo (112) D. A. Yepes Captured

Spain San José (112) Flag - Admiral Francisco Javier Winthuysen, Cptn. - ?  Captured

Spain Neptuno (80) ? 

Spain San Nicolas (80) T. Geraldino Captured

Spain Atlante (74) G. Vallejo

Spain Bahama (74) ?

Spain Conquistador (74) J. Butler

Spain Firme (74) B. Ayala

Spain Glorioso (74) ?

Spain Infante Pelayo (74) C. Valdés

Spain Oriente (74) J. Suárez

Spain San Antonia (74) S. Medina

Spain San Domingo (74) M. De Torres

Spain San Fermin (74) J. De Torres

Spain San Francisco de Paula (74) J. De Guimbarda

Spain San Genaro (74) A. de Villavicencio

Spain San Ildefenso (74) R. Maestre

Spain San Juan Nepomuceno (74) A. Boneo

Spain San Pablo (74) B. de Cisneros

Spain San Isidoro (74) T. Argumosa Captured

Spain Soberano (74) J. V. Yáñez

Spain Terrible (74) ? 


British Fleet - Also Present

UK Minerve (38) George Cockburn

UK Lively (32) Lord Garlies

UK Niger (32) Edward James Foote

UK Southampton (32) James Macnamara

UK La Bonne Citoyenne (20) Charles Lindsay

UK Raven (18) Commander William Prowse

UK Fox (10) Lieutenant John Gibson


Spanish Fleet - Also Present

Spain Atocha (34)

Spain Ceres (34)

Spain Diana (34)

Spain Matilda (34)

Spain Mercedes (34)

Spain Perla (34)

Spain Santa Brigida (34)

 Plan of the Battle

Position 11:35 Position 12:30 Position 13:05

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