One of the costliest battles of World War II happens to be one of the least known. After failing to stop the attack of Admiral Takeo Kurita at Leyte Gulf, Admiral “Bull” Halsey made a desperate attempt to engage the Japanese Imperial Navy in a full-scale battle. Acting against better judgment and in a desperate attempt at redemption, Halsey led his crew into the raging path of a typhoon, which resulted in the loss of nearly one thousand sailors—the most costly mission of the Pacific war.
Sea Cobra: Admiral Halsey's Task Force and the Great Pacific Typhoon
- Details
- By: Buckner F. Melton

- Title: Sea Cobra: Admiral Halsey's Task Force and the Great Pacific Typhoon
- First Published by: Lyons Press
- First Published Format: Kindle
- First Published Date: 1 March 2007