George Manville Fenn (1831-1909) has over 100 books to his name, many of which are available to read on line. He worked as a teacher in Lincolnshire, until he became printer, editor and publisher of various magazines. He had eight children with his wife Susanna Leake, whom he had married in 1855. Most of his works are adventure stories for young readers, featuring Explorers, Smugglers, young Adventurers and Seamen. His adult novels offer critical social commentary on Victorian England, especially reconsidering economic questions.
Those which touch on historical naval fiction are listed below. Many of his novels are not copyright in many countries and some are available as free eBooks.
AOS Naval Fiction
Series: n/a
In the King's Name: or, The Cruise of the "Kestrel" : His Britannic Majesty's coastguard cutter Kestrel is on patrol looking for smugglers
Cutlass and Cudgel : An Excise patrol vessel is cruising near an area suspected of being heavily involved with smuggling
Middy and Ensign : HMS Startler is on patrol up the Parang River in the Malay peninsula
Blue Jackets: The Log of the Teaser : HMS Teaser, a clipper-gunboat, is patrolling the China Seas
Syd Belton: The Boy who Would Not Go to Sea : Sydney, who's father is a Captain in the navy and uncle an Admiral thinks that he might like to be a doctor
The Lost Middy : Aleck, who is an orphan being brought up by his uncle. They live by the sea.
The Black Bar : HMS Nautilus is on patrol off the west coast of Africa
Ching, The Chinaman, and His Middy Friends : (No information available)
Commodore Junk : A navy ship is sent to deal with buccaneers
AOS Other Nautical Fiction
Series: n/a
The Ocean Cat's Paw : The adventures of a young boy on his uncle’s ship
Sail-ho! : After drunken mutineers set fire to the ship the officers and passengers retake it.