Glyn Adams

Glyn Adams. There is no information about this author.

AOS Naval Fiction

Series: The Face of the Enemy
Face the Enemy : The destruction of a fishing boat is witnessed
Moon Cay : Osprey engages Le Tigre
The Judges Wife : Osprey is engaged by a ship of the line
The French Ship : The quarterdeck suffers an explosion
Skimmers : The Admiral must be rescued
The Sicilian Aspirant : Some shore action is called for
The First Officer : A boarding party leads to an unexpected death
The Raiders : A major raid is undertaken
Renaisance and Revenge : Will nearly setting the ship on fire be a successful ruse
The Sailor Prince : Osprey is returning to Plymouth, but is heading into a trap set by the French
Pirates : American merchant ships are hijacked and hidden away in Caribbean Harbours
The Battle of Antigua : Three frigates are sent to the Leeward Islands to deal with pirates
Vengeance : Captain James Morgan faces a Sicilian vendetta
A Bloody Disaster : Events leading up to the Battle of Trafalgar
Golden Sword : There is no information on this book
Running the Gauntlet : There is no information on this book

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