- A mysterious Collision at Sea
- A brush with the Pirates of El Kateef
- The Capture of the Slaver
- The Night Attack
- A Seaside Story
- A Visit to Zanzibar
- A Tale of the Slave Trade
- A Cruise in Search of a Slaver
- How we beat off John Chinaman
- A Night Adventure on the Hooghly
- A Cruise in the Mozambique
- The Persian Gulf in 1808
- A Story of the Slave Trade
- An ffair with Malay Pirates
- An Adventure with Pirates
- The Captain of the Mizentop's Yarn
- A Christmas Tale
Tales of Old Ocean
- Details
- By: Charles Rathbone Low

- Title: Tales of Old Ocean
- First Published by: Hodder & Stoughton
- First Published Date: 1869