Free eBooks

Free eBooks: Three short stories by Alexander Kent, Michael Aye and Alec Merrill remain in copyright and are reproduced by kind permission of the Authors. Free eBooks are provided by other sites and they are purported to be out of copyright in the host country. You should check the terms of such sites before downloading books.  By selecting a link below you are deemed to have agreed to these terms and that you will check the copyright status within your coutry of residence before downloading. A few Modern Era books have started to come out of copyright and are listed under the ME Free eBook tag.

AOS Naval Non-Fiction

Alex Dienst

The Navy of the Republic of Texas, 1835-1845

Charles Rathbone Low

History of the Indian Navy (1613-1863)

Captain Cook's Three Voyages Round the World; with a Sketch of his Life

Cyrus Townsend Brady

Commodore Paul Jones

Stephen Decatur

Frederick Chamier

The Life of a Sailor

James Fenimore Cooper

Ned Myers: or Life before the Mast

Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers

The History of the Navy of the United States of America

Matthew Henry Barker aka ‘The Old Sailor’

The Life of Nelson

Samuel Leech

Thirty Years from Home: A Seamans View of the War of 1812

Sir Edward Belcher & others

The Last of the Arctic Voyages

Sir William Hoste (1st Bart.)

Memoirs and letters of Capt. Sir William Hoste

Thomas Clark

Naval history of the United States: from the commencement of the Revolutionary war to the present time

Thomas Cochrane Earl of Dundonald

The Autobiography of a Seaman

W. S. Gilly

Narratives of Shipwrecks of the Royal Navy between 1793 and 1849

William Clark Russell

Horatio Nelson and the Naval Supremacy of England

The Life of Admiral Lord Collingwood

Nelson's Words and Deeds: A Selection from the Dispatches and Correspondence of Horatio Nelson

Pictures from the Life of Nelson

William James

The Naval History of Great Britain, from ... 1793, to ... 1820

Naval Occurrences of the War of 1812: A Full and Correct Account of the Naval War Between Great Britain and the United States of America,1812-1815

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