Alec Merrill

Alec Merrill was an officer in the Canadian Forces until he retired in 1987. Between 1988 and 1991 he was engaged to establish the training for the North Warning System which provides the North American Air Defense Command (NORAD) with early warning and air intrusion detection capabilities.

Since 1991 Alec has been a management consultant providing training and consulting services to a wide range of public and private sector clients.

Between 2003 and the fall of 2006, he took on the role of Chief of Emergency Services for Fisheries and Oceans Canada which includes the Canadian Coast Guard. He was heavily committed during this period of time for events such as Hurricanes Juan, Rita, and Katrina, SARS, various floods, and other weather related events. .

AOS Naval Fiction

Swift : 1744: A young man pressed into the navy discovers that his destiny is more dangerous than he ever imagined
Swift Pride : 1746: HMS Mermaid, a forty gun ship of the line, escorts a convoy containing surrendered Frenchmen
(Series continues as Nautical Fiction below)
Series: n/a
Reaper's Harvest : Lieutenant Francis Halpenny is reassigned to HMS Reaper (short)

AOS Other Nautical Fiction

Series: Jon Swift
Swift Revenge : 1747: The Providence heads southward toward the warmer, sunnier climate of Jamaica
The Virgin Smuggler : Swift buys cargo and heads south to the Caribbean seeking contraband
A Smuggler's Nightmare : 1747: Swift finds out too late that where great opportunity abounds, so does great risk
Fighting Shadows : 1748: Swift attempts to establish a permanent base in Norfolk, Virginia to mask the organization of contraband operations

The author’s official web site is

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