General Non-Fiction books about the Navies of the world in the Modern Era
Alan Schom
Angus Konstam
- Big Guns in the Atlantic: Germany’s battleships and cruisers raid the convoys, 1939–41
- German High Seas Fleet 1914–18: The Kaiser’s challenge to the Royal Navy
- Royal Navy Grand Fleet 1914–18: Britain’s last supreme naval fleet
- Royal Navy Home Fleet 1939–41: The last line of defence at Scapa Flow
- The British Sailor of the Second World War
- The Convoy HG-76: Taking the Fight to Hitler's U-boats
Bernard Edwards
- Attack & Sink: The Battle of the Atlantic Summer 1941
- Blood and Bushido: Japanese Atrocities at Sea 1941-45
- Death in Deep Waters: Hitler's U-boat Menace
- Death in the Doldrums: U Cruisers Off West Africa
- Donitz and the Wolf Packs: The U-Boats at War
- From Hunter to Hunted: The U-Boat War in the Atlantic 1939–1943
- Japan's Blitzkrieg: The Allied Collapse in the East 1941-42
- Salvo!: Classic Naval Gun Actions
- The Cruel Sea Retold: The Truth Behind Monsarrat's Epic Convoy Drama
- The Decoys: A Tale of Three Atlantic Convoys 1942
- The Quiet Heroes: British Merchant Seaman at War
- The Road to Russia: Arctic Convoys 1942
- The Twilight of the U-Boats
- The Wolf Packs Gather: Mayhem in the Western Approaches 1940
- U-Boats Beyond Biscay: Dönitz Looks to New Horizons
- War of the U-Boats: British Merchantmen Under Fire
- War Under the Red Ensign 1914-1918
Brian Lavery
Bruce Taylor
Bryan Perrett
Buckner F. Melton
C.J. Skamarakas
Carlos Alfaro-Zaforteza, Marcus Faulkner & Alan James
Christopher M. Bell
Christopher M. Bell & Bruce Allen Elleman (Editors)
Christopher M. Bell & John H Maurer (Editors)
Craig L. Symonds
Daniel Owen Spence
David Boyle
David Hayes
- Battle in the Baltic: The Royal Navy and the Fight to Save Estonia & Latvia, 1918–1920
- Bayly's War: The Battle for the Western Approaches in the First World War
- Blockade: Cruiser Warfare and the Starvation of Germany in World War One
- Formidable: A True Story of Disaster and Courage
- Securing the Narrow Sea: The Dover Patrol, 1914–1918
- Southern Thunder: The Royal Navy and the Scandinavian Trade in World War One
- Steam Yachts at War: The Naval Deployment of British & American Yachts, 1898–1918
- The Harwich Striking Force: The Royal Navy's Front Line in the North Sea 1914–1918
- The Longest Battle: The Royal Canadian Navy in the Atlantic 1939-1945
- The Petrol Navy: British, American and Other Naval Motor Boats at War 1914 – 1920
- The Power and the Glory: Royal Navy Fleet Reviews from Earliest Times to 2005
David Hobbs
David K. Brown
David K. Brown & George Moore
David Stevens
David Stevens (Editor)
Dudley Pope
Duncan Redford
Duncan Redford & Philip D. Grove
E. Keble Chatterton
Earl A McCandlish (George D. Jepson Editor)
Edward Hampshire
Edward P. Stafford
Edwin P. Hoyt
- Carrier Wars: Naval Aviation from World War II to the Persian Gulf
- Deadly Craft: Fire Ships to Pt Boats
- Defeat at the Falklands: Germany's East Asia Squadron 1914
- Ghost of the Atlantic: The Kronprinz Wilhelm, 1914-19
- How They Won the War in the Pacific: Nimitz and His Admirals
- MacArthur's Navy: The Seventh Fleet and the Battle for the Phillipines
- Now Hear This: The Story of American Sailors in World War II
- Raider 16
- Raider Wolf: The voyage of Captain Nerger, 1916-1918
- Submarines at War
- The Carrier War
- The Death of the U-Boats
- The Glorious Flattops
- The Invasion Before Normandy: The Secret Battle of Slapton Sands
- The Karlsruhe Affair
- The Lonely Ships: The Life and Death of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet
- The Phantom Raider: The True Story of the Moewe in World War I
- The Sea Wolves: Germany's Dreaded U-Boats of WW II
- The U-Boat Wars
- To the Marianas: War in the Central Pacific 1944
- U-Boats Offshore: When Hitler Struck America
- War in the Deep: Pacific Submarine Action in World War II
Evan Thomas
Gary Staff
Geirr H. Haarr
Geoffrey Bennett
Geoffrey Till
Glyn Prysor
Hector Bywater
Iain Ballantyne
Ian Johnston
Ian W. Toll
Jak P Mallman Showell
Jean Hood
Jo Stanley
John D. Grainger
John Davies
John Frayn Turner
John S. Margerison
John Winton
- Air Power at Sea, 1939-45
- Air Power at Sea, 1945-1989
- Below the Belt: Novelty, Subterfuge and Surprise in Naval Warfare
- Captains and Kings: The Royal Family and the Royal Navy, 1901-1981
- Convoy: The Defence of Sea Trade, 1890-1990
- Find, Fix and Strike!: The Fleet Air Arm at War, 1939-45
- Hurrah for the Life of a Sailor!: Life on the Lower-deck of the Victorian Navy
- The Forgotten Fleet: The Story of the British Pacific Fleet, 1944-45
- The Submariners: Life in British Submarines, 1901-1999
- The Victoria Cross at Sea: The Sailors, Marines and Airmen Awarded Britain's Highest Honour
- War in the Pacific: Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay
Jonathan Coad
Keith Warren Lloyd
Kevin Brown
Lawrence Sondhaus
Leighton Harding
Marcus Faulkner
Mark Lardas
Mark Stille
Mike Farquharson-Roberts
Nicholas Tracy
Nick Hewitt
Norman Friedman
Peter C. Smith
Peter Hore
Peter Hore (editor)
Peter Padfield
Philip Kaplan
Quintin Colville
Randall Peffer
Richard Freeman
Richard Hough
Richard Woodman
Roger Paine
Terence Robertson
Tim Clayton
Warren Tute